Stop Sexualized

Content in Schools

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Thank you For Helping Protect Our Children From Indecent And Pornographic Materials In Our K-12 Schools

Keep Our Children Safe

This short video is too true to be funny as our children remain exposed to such indecent materials that can't be quoted in newspapers, shown on TV or on social media, and can't be read to adults in legislative or school board meetings...


To protect our children from indecent and pornographic materials to in our K-12 schools. 

Not Any More!

Today, materials so indecent they cannot be shown or read in Legisaltive or School Board meetings of ADULTS, remain in our schools exposed to our CHILDREN!

IT'S UP TO EACH ONE OF US to STAND UP, SPEAK UP, & SHOW UP to protect our children from from the harmful effects of pornographic materials in schools.


- Sponsored by Rep. Ken Ivory -